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We have a successful SOZO deliverance and healing ministry with training through Bethel Church and additional deeper inner healing with Shanie Knutsen through YWAM. We are available for appointments for personal care as well as leading classes and seminars for training and equipping churches in these ministries. The word SOZO is a Greek verb meaning to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction or suffering; to make well, heal and restore to health. Our SOZO ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering a personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With healed connection, one is able to walk in the destiny to which they have been called. The SOZO session is not a counseling session, and is in no way invasive or embarrassing to the client. SOZO is an inner healing/deliverance ministry bringing wholeness in mind, body & spirit, that identifies issues in minutes instead of years.


In Matthew 28:19 we are charged by Jesus with going out and making disciples of all nations. We do so according to the individualized needs of each person or church. We equip individuals with a full and complete tool belt to minister (including ordination) and equip churches (including being a spiritual covering) to be able to send out their own disciples.

As disciples of  Christ Jesus, we have been commissioned in Matthew 10:8 to Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

We have seen God work through us successfully time and time again. We believe it is His will that all be healed and not suffer, just as it is His will that none should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

We're here to help you in your healing ministry to release the power of Jesus Christ, which changes lives through His love!



Equipping local churches to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through His love & His word of advancing the Kingdom. We help bring you into your full identity in Jesus. You will see His love, power & authority demonstrated through His healings, miracles, signs & wonders!



We play an intricate role in Celebrate Recovery as well as other ministries & will host a number of community events to advance the Kingdom. We also provide community concerts with praise and worship, interpretive dances & spoken word.


We have speakers available for your event in whatever capacity is needed. Due to our vast specialties including administration, counseling, Kingdom revelation, identity, prophecy, Father's heart, healing, SOZO & human development, evangelism, sign/ dance/ drama to name but a few; we are able to meet the needs and requirements of all.


​KCM Offers full-service ministries to individuals wishing to be ordained and/or obtain covering for their ministry, individuals or group(s) seeking to start home church(es), churches seeking covering and/or fivefold ministry government, ministries seeking teaching and or training in kingdom principles, those desiring SOZO sessions and/or training, churches desiring healing and/or counseling services or sessions, evangelism (including treasure hunting), missionary guide and trips throughout the US and around the world, music concerts, events, guest speakers etc. Christian Bible school of theology and/or missions work... and so much more.

As graduates of BSSM School of ministry, we have spent the past decade using our gifts to teach, speak, exhort; and draw into relationship with Bethel Church (our daughter Gabrielle graduated 3rd year as well, and is now working on her doctorate) Pastors Bill And Beni Johnson, Pastor Danny Silk, Pastors Steve and Wendy Backlund, Prophet Kris Vallotton, 4-Square District Overseer Pastors Vic and Gail Prietto, Pugh Ministries Apostle and Prophet Jarrod and ChaCha, Apostle James Gillette, ICA International Coalition of Apostles -  John Kelly, Bethel Chicagoland – Pastor Connie Deulley, Kentucky statewide COGOP - Bishop Scott Gillum, SOMA of Ohio - Senior Pastor Mark Pfeifer, Jack Frost's Father’s Heart Ministries - Bill and Nancy Barker, CCI Christ Central Institute Wagener, SC - Pastor Bob and Janet Perrigo, CApp Celebrate Appalachia - pastor Scott Whaley, Bethel Cleveland – pastor Steve Witt, SOZO ministries Midwest – Will and Leslie VanHook, Pastors Ben & Kim James and  PastorsTodd & Rachel Wilson, Center for Appalachian Philanthropy - Mandy & Nevada Hart, Covenant Church of Pittsburgh - Bishop Joseph L. Garlington PhD, YWAM – Youth With a Mission Eastern Europe – Shanie & Zach Knutsen, La Revolucion de la Calles de Guatemala - Julia & David Voncannon, Pastor Ely Urbina y Ministerio Nueva Jerusalen, Pastors Randy & Sally Patterson, Pastor Greg and Kelley Matney, Pastor Rob Barber III, Pastor Ken Harrison, Pastor Tony Daniels, Pastor Phillip Nunley, scores of online Ministries, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets, Apostles and many others. This is all about the body of Christ being drawn together in relationship.         We do relationship well!

God built us for relationship. We believe that most people who love each other want good things for each other, but we know often times there is a struggle communicating those feelings, and fear sets in from breakdown of communication. We want to help lead you into successful communication and empower you with the tools you need to be powerful communicators in Christ.

The average church loses nine out of ten of it's first time visitors. If you are looking to strengthen your membership & believe that you bring the heart of the Father in your ministry but just can't figure out why people don't come back... We can help you with that!

SOZO & Inner Healing

Discipleship Training

Ordination / Covering





We are a full-service ministry to the church and church leaders. Whether it is ministry for one or 10,000; no request is too small or too large.

Kingdom Teaching



Romans 2:4 tells us that it is God's goodness and kindness that lead men to repentance. There are many ways of evangelism, but we know that it is not the Father's heart for us to randomly knock on a door to ask people if they are on their way to Heaven or Hell; nor is it His desire for us to stand on a street corner shouting at passersby or to try to scare people into submission as has been done in the past with such works as Jonathan Edwards' Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. There was a time and place for hellfire and brimstone, but that season has past. We need to understand seasons. We have many strategies such as Adopt a Block, Meet a Need, Treasure Hunt, God Incidents and others to show how everyone from 9 to 90 can easily evangelize!


God created us for relationship. Relatioship  with Him first and foremost, and Relationship with our spouse secondly. Relationship with our children, extended family and/or best friends, our pastors and leaders, church family, and then relationships with those in the world such as our boss, coworkers, customers etc. on down the line. Without relationship we cannot please God. KCM helps bring leaders and members into their proper relationships through identity teachings, SOZO and relationship training seminars and classes. Our relationships with one another are so important to God that He tells us in Matthew 5:23-24 not to even come to Him if we have broken relationships with a brother or sister.

What is all of this talk about Kingdom? Kingdom is nothing new... It's why Jesus preached repentence (Matthew 4:17). Also, Mark 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. As a matter of fact, the Kingdom is the primary teaching of Christ, so it must surely be important... but what is it? It has been hidden from our understanding for 2000 years, but now God is opening our understanding, and who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14. We help leaders and Churches to begin to see and understand what the Kingdom is all about.



*Original artwork created by Sandra Roberts



Kingdom Culture


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We look forward to hearing from you and are excited to begin building relationship with you.







office (Snail mail only): 1660 N. 2nd St.

Ironton, OH 45638


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 He also teaches live on facebook each Sunday

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST USA

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